Why do people bully?
Is it a feeling of power
Or is it that they want to control others.
Perhaps they are not happy with their own life and just want to destroy someone else's
Maybe they have feelings of insecurity.
Whatever the reason, the actions of a bully can destroy the life of the victim.
When I was at school I was brought up with always being told "sticks and stones can break your bones but names will never hurt you. " So my Mum said, just walk away and don't take any notice of what they call you. There were a variety of names that you could be called and I copped my fair share of horrid names, but I cannot remember any form of violence. Maybe it was around in those days but not in my group of friends.
Now it seems like bullying is everywhere. Young people in their first job can be subjected to an incredible amount of bullying in the form of jokes or physical pranks. Then they will face humiliation by other staff members.
Our modern world , with the emergence of social media , has made all our lives so accessible to others. We share our life on Facebook or Instagram so all our friends can follow our day to day activities, whether good or bad.
Unfortunately many of the younger generation are fixated by having the greatest number of friends or followers. And there lies a big problem. People can be fickle; friend today and enemy tomorrow.
Bullying can also be rife in families. All it needs is one or more members to believe that they are better than everyone else.
That so called " top dog " will control situations , or just make everything to suit themselves,
Some family members will be picked on and belittled.
The bully will spread stories and untruths about the victim.
Unfortunately other family members will believe those stories without even sitting down and asking the victim to tell their side. That is, if there is a side to tell.
Anything the bullying victim does will be criticized to the point that they will not have the confidence to attempt a task or hobby.
I guess that we all have believed that the family unit would be supportive of all members and would not partake in any acts of bullying. But we can be wrong.
To be a victim of bullying by a family member destroys the picture of the life you had, or sadly believed you had.
The only justice that a victim would love to see , is Karma being dished out on their bully
My life is a jigsaw. Lots of pieces, all shapes and sizes. And lots of colour.Most are bright but some are dull and gloomy. We all have dullness brought on by sadness. I could call it blackness, but if there is a chance of any ray of light then it will only be dullness. I will share bits and pieces of my life to show you the person that I have grown in to. But my blog is to share with other grandparents who are struggling, or have struggled to see their grandkids. One day they will return