Sometimes we all really struggle with massive changes to a part of our life
that has always been stable. I know I did.
A change can come completely out of the blue, so unexpectedly.
But we all handle changes differently .
Some people feel better by spending days crying into tissues.
Perhaps some one else will spend hours working out at the gym.
We are all different and no one has the right to tell you how to act.
But the consolation is that when one door closes another one opens.
Yep, change can sometimes be a good thing.
I have learnt to accept that life is different
But the sun will always come up tomorrow
My life is a jigsaw. Lots of pieces, all shapes and sizes. And lots of colour.Most are bright but some are dull and gloomy. We all have dullness brought on by sadness. I could call it blackness, but if there is a chance of any ray of light then it will only be dullness. I will share bits and pieces of my life to show you the person that I have grown in to. But my blog is to share with other grandparents who are struggling, or have struggled to see their grandkids. One day they will return
Friday, 28 April 2017
Monday, 24 April 2017
My Jigsaw
So, " Why Jigsaw ? "
I quite like the analogy of a jigsaw rather than a book, as some people refer to their life, as it is much easier to replace a long lost piece rather than a torn out page.
I quite like the analogy of a jigsaw rather than a book, as some people refer to their life, as it is much easier to replace a long lost piece rather than a torn out page.
People were envious of my jigsaw. I had a solid block of good strong pieces that all held together securely.
But all that changed and my jigsaw split apart, with pieces scattered across a large area.
I believe my jigsaw started the moment I was born.
Then as my life grew so did my jigsaw , with the addition of new pieces.
I constantly moved pieces around as parts of my life altered.
My parents and siblings are pieces that I hoped would always remain constant. I believed them to be static and that we were a happy family unit.
I had extended family take their position in my jigsaw and also provide a solid base.
When I went to school my jigsaw again increased in size.
Some of these pieces have remained in my life for a long time. They will move around as my life, and theirs, grows and alters. How lucky am I to still have pieces from my school days in my jigsaw.
Just recently I have had a long lost piece from my primary school days return to take her place back in my jigsaw. And wow, was I so incredibly happy to find her.
The shape of my jigsaw is constantly changing and growing.
Marrying my wonderful man has added a piece that is solid and sturdy. It is stuck fast and has been there for many years.
The arrival of children has also increased the size of my jigsaw as they in turn have added partners. And the most magical pieces have been grandchildren. Those pieces shine brightly and hold pride of place.
For many years my jigsaw has remained solid and unchanged. The intermingling of my children and their partners, my grandchildren, and my siblings has been joyous to see.
But then pieces moved around and eventually pulled away.
The question now remains as to whether those pieces will ever return
Only time will tell.
But the real sense of loss is those small magical pieces that are no longer around !
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Anzac Day
I never really gave Anzac Day a lot of thought. Don't get me wrong, I love our country and am proud to be an Aussie. I always listened to the stories and struggled to understand how those young men could head off and fight for their country.
I had never really thought about going to a parade or taking part. My sister Deb had marched with Uncle Bill before , but that was her thing, not mine.
But 2015 was different
Call it a bucket list thing if you want. I just had that feeling that to march with Uncle Bill in the 100 years commemoration was something that I had to do.
Deb was supportive of my idea and our brother also decided to take part.
We did not tell Uncle Bill our plan as he had been so unwell prior to Anzac Day and we did not want him to be disappointed if he could not take part.
To see the tears in his eyes when he arrived and saw us all lined up and waiting for him is something that money cannot buy. We had to struggle to keep him going but he was determined to walk the entire distance, even though cars were available for the frail members.
To sit with him and listen to the speeches, then return to the Portarlington RSL for a light lunch is a day that will remain as one of my most memorable.
Sadly he did not survive to walk in the Anzac Day march of 2016. Deb and I walked in his memory and wore the family medals proudly.
It was such an emotional day.
Many tears were shed.
I had never really thought about going to a parade or taking part. My sister Deb had marched with Uncle Bill before , but that was her thing, not mine.
But 2015 was different
Call it a bucket list thing if you want. I just had that feeling that to march with Uncle Bill in the 100 years commemoration was something that I had to do.
Deb was supportive of my idea and our brother also decided to take part.
We did not tell Uncle Bill our plan as he had been so unwell prior to Anzac Day and we did not want him to be disappointed if he could not take part.
To see the tears in his eyes when he arrived and saw us all lined up and waiting for him is something that money cannot buy. We had to struggle to keep him going but he was determined to walk the entire distance, even though cars were available for the frail members.
To sit with him and listen to the speeches, then return to the Portarlington RSL for a light lunch is a day that will remain as one of my most memorable.
Sadly he did not survive to walk in the Anzac Day march of 2016. Deb and I walked in his memory and wore the family medals proudly.
It was such an emotional day.
Many tears were shed.
Friday, 21 April 2017
Fridays can be a happy or a sad day. Is it happy for you as it is the end of the week or is it sad as it means another weekend without the visit of grandchildren. Today I spent many hours enjoying coffee and cake with a long time friend. A friend who knows me back to front and inside out. She is someone who grounds me and someone who can make me laugh when days are sad. Friends are something that money cannot buy. Look after your friends as they are someone who can always tell if you need a hug. If Fridays are a struggle then try to plan something to look forward too. I am looking forward to our son and daughter in law coming out for tea tonight. And better still hubby is doing the cooking. He has had a slow day today as there has been no work due to our autumn rain
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