Friday, 28 April 2017


Sometimes we all really struggle with massive changes to a part of our life
                                              that has always been stable. I know I did.

A change can come completely out of the blue, so unexpectedly.
But we all handle  changes differently .
Some people feel better by spending days crying into  tissues. 
Perhaps some one else will spend hours working out at the gym.
We are all different and no one has the right to tell you how to act.

But the consolation is that when one door closes another one opens.
Yep, change can sometimes be a good thing.
I have learnt  to accept that life is different
But the sun will always come up tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. I do all of the above at present. Being heard by others now after so long of having been ignored, I feel the pressure starting to lift and stress lessening. Great thoughts Lyn.
