Thursday, 18 May 2017


I sit and look at all the faces.
The old and wizened
The young and free.
And the children, their happy faces showing not a care in the world.

All those faces, some on the able bodied and some on those confined to wheelchairs.
What story do they tell ?
How many are struggling.
How many are unwell
Are there any who are unhappy or perhaps lonely.

Life deals many people lots of  problems and so many have huge mountains to climb
Can we see this in their faces or are they very clever at disguising their struggles.
Are the happy smiles just a front to hide the sadness.
A mask so people will not question.
I wonder what question needs to be asked for that mask to be removed
If the veil comes down what emotion will you see in the face.
And if you ask a question can you cope with the answer.

When you see your friends struggling it is difficult to know how to help or what help to offer.
Do you offer support or sympathy, or just a very large listening ear
Do you feel that you should deliver some healthy home made meals or grab a basket of ironing.

My friends have been my rock. They have listened until they are probably very sick of hearing my story.
But they make another cup of  coffee and continue listening without complaint.

Now I have friends who are struggling.
And they, now  are the ones who need listening ears.
So I will be the one supplying the coffee and tissues
I will be the one who sees the struggle in their faces and the sadness in their eyes.

Our faces tell many stories and our eyes show so much sadness
Our eyes are the window to the soul.

In todays world there seems to be more sad faces and  soulless eyes  than happy ones.

                          The sun sets, but tomorrow is another day. We need to stay strong


Coffee Club

Lansell Square

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