Tuesday, 30 May 2017

4 AM again

Wide awake at 4AM.       Again.!!!!

And believe me it is not the time that I prefer to be awake.

Why is 4 AM the time that my brain says come on now, rise and shine
Is it because my mind is racing, and going over the things that have happened in the past, or may happen in the future.
Try as I might, my brain will not slow down.

Now I know that some people like to be awake early  and would enjoy being wide awake right about now.

But I find this time of morning just a little bit too early.

There are some days that I relish being up early.
To sit in the quiet while enjoying a nice strong Moccona coffee.
Listening to the world starting to awake.

The birds let us know that the day is going to start.
And the sky shows a bright pink where the sun will soon poke through.

But it makes the day so long.
So many more hours to sit and wonder about days to come and days long gone.
Days of laughter now gone.
Days of fun loving grandkids dropping by for a surprise visit.
Now gone .

But I tell my inner self that I  must take " the bull by the horns " and gather together some strength to change my mindset.
Drag myself up out of the " feel sorry for yourself " gloom and doom.

Plan something to do.
Begin that project that has been on the back burner for some time.
Get organised to head out for that lovely exhilarating  walk where you can enjoy the simple things in the neighbourhood.

Nothing will ever change the way I have been treated but I need to change the way it affects me.
If I continue to sit and wonder "how did this all happen ?" then it will drag me right down.
And then I am  no good for anyone, myself included

Already to awake from morning cuddles and start the day
A family of ducks out for a stroll. How nice would it be to be able to do such a simple thing again


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