Photos of such happy times.
Smiling faces, arms around each other.
But then the apocalypse happened and everything changed.
My walls are now bare.
I threw many out.
Some I just stored in boxes in the shed.
Why would I want them on display.?
Were they really happy times, or were people just pretending to be happy.
I loved taking photos, just to have a record of happy days.
My kittens at our rented farm house in Rochester when we were first married |
I still take photos
And I still have some photos on display; my parents and grandparents.
And my grandchildren, from many years ago, as what did they do !
They are just innocent parties to their parents and others egos.
And why !
Do you have boxes and boxes of old photo albums ?
What do all those photos mean to you
What does a photo show us about the subject being photographed.
Do you see how difficult their life was.
The state of their clothes or their living conditions. Or all those interesting occupations.
To have a photo like this is just amazing for family history. |
Photos show many emotions
Can you see the sadness in someone's eyes.
The glint in the eye from a child's happiness
Or is guilt showing through.
Photos will not hide the increase in weight which may be a sign of too much living the high life or even overeating to hide the feelings of guilt.
Perhaps there is pride in a newly slim body due to a exciting exercise regime
So I always loved going through my photos and recalling happy times.
Now all those happy times are just tinged with sadness.
And many photos are now just lying at the tip !
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