Ask yourself a question.
How do you treat people who have a disability?
Makes you think doesn't it !
There are so many types of disabilities and so many degrees of seriousness of these disabilities that the way you treat people will be somewhat varied.
But at the end of the day respect is what is needed.
These days with political correctness everywhere, everyone needs to be careful what is said and about whom. For example it seems to be fair game to make fun about supporters of a football team from a lower socio economic suburb, but that just shows how some people think so little about others. It may be fun and good for laughs, but at who's expense.
And what are children being taught, that it is okay to make fun of people. Children need to learn that it is what is inside a person that is important and not their income or looks. Because you do not look perfect or spend many hundreds of dollars on designer clothes, or live in an affluent suburb and draw a large wage , that does not mean that you are a lesser person.
In a small way I know what it is like to be the subject of a discussion on disability. You see I was the subject of a social media post stating that I was suffering from a serious mental health issue. It is quite confronting to see such untruths posted about you . But it was interesting how much it backfired. No body believed what was written but everyone's comment was exactly the same. " So if you do have this serious problem where is the support from family that should be offered to someone that clearly needs it " So it became quite clear that those who should have offered support and help just turned and walked away.
So is there a difference how people treat those with a disability ?
It seems that often support may only be offered on a selective basis
Since there has been a change in the family dynamics I now see things differently. Maybe I was blind to many things that happened or perhaps I saw , but did not believe.
For that I am sorry.
Now I am far from perfect and I do not pretend that I have always been an angel but in this journey called life, we are meant to grow and learn
And I have learnt !
And I am content and happy with the way that I treat people
We all come across people with disabilities in various parts of our life. They are no longer hidden away but many are out in the community, even working in shops or serving in cafes. And it is fabulous to see them conversing with members of the public and enjoying life.
But how do some people treat them.
And how are carers treated. As they also deserve respect and bucket loads of support.
In our family we do have members who have disabilities. Not serious intellectual problems, or physical problems which require round the clock care. But they deserve help and respect.
My beautiful niece has her assistance dog to calm her and help her feel comfortable in new situations. When we have had Willow to stay she has been a fabulous house guest and cleaner and more polite than some humans. I guess I was a conversational subject by some family members, regarding Willow as a house guest, but we had had a dog for 15 years so having a dog inside was not alien to me.
My niece and Willow are a package deal, you can't have one without the other. I don't understand why some have told her that she should be able to go out without Willow, as she will be with people so should be able to cope.
This attitude shows that people do not want to understand the difficulties that she faces on a daily basis. She needs support, not people questioning her coping devices.
Our son cares, and supports his wife who suffers from epilepsy. Life has not been great for them and each day brings difficulties. A day planned can quickly become unplanned. A seizure happens without any prior warning. Sadly it is difficult for them to even attend family events. Funds are always short and transportation is just another problem.
They also have to organise shared parental care with their family of six blended children, so that often throws a spanner in the works as well. Pity that they have been ostracised by family members . No sympathy or help offered for her disability.
The children missing out on continuing relationships with other family members. Children need to be able to have support from many family members, not segregated from some, as all people in families can give different types of love and encouragement.
I often wonder if family support would make a difference to the mental health of both sufferer and carer. Can it be seen to be selective. Maybe these days givers of support need to be seen so they can receive pats on the back or plenty of brownie points.
If this is what is happening now then I have missed something regarding human behaviour.
What a sad world that we live in !!!
My life is a jigsaw. Lots of pieces, all shapes and sizes. And lots of colour.Most are bright but some are dull and gloomy. We all have dullness brought on by sadness. I could call it blackness, but if there is a chance of any ray of light then it will only be dullness. I will share bits and pieces of my life to show you the person that I have grown in to. But my blog is to share with other grandparents who are struggling, or have struggled to see their grandkids. One day they will return
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